Where my hammer
Where my hammer

where my hammer

Thank you everyone for your support and thank you to Michael for helping me with a blog post. I'm back to work tomorrow which is going to be rather interesting (especially as my first day is doing emergency surgery) - here's hoping that it's not as bad as I'm expecting.

where my hammer

Last Tuesday, I finally felt like this damn thing was not going to kill me! My progress is slow - mainly now my symptoms are just being very quickly fatigued and with minimal effort. My Covid-19 infection has begun to settle, thank goodness.

where my hammer

If you do destroy the floor however, you’ll automatically be placed back in the game to continue your reign of destruction.No! I have not taken leave of my senses and decided to use forbidden tools on a wooden puzzle! Today we have a surprise guest blog post from a new friend who I have met at a couple of the recent Midlands Puzzle Parties - Michael Quigley seems to have gotten sucked into the hobby hook, line and sinker and not only has he spent a fortune on lots of new and expensive toys, he's joined us at puzzle meetups, but he has also managed to get himself cajoled into writing something for my silly little piece of Internet! I am very grateful to him for writing up on a puzzle that I don't own and technically cannot justify buying because (horror) it's a box and we all know that I don't collect boxes! So, there I went, falling endlessly and weightlessly into oblivion as if I had destroyed the fourth wall of gaming itself, so to speak. On more than one occasion I found myself destroying the floor which left me with nothing to stand on. You can get pretty carried away with that hammer in this game to the point where you might even hammer straight through the floor. Does destroying everything include destroying terra firma? Destroy the walls, the car, statues, the staircase and whatever comes in contact with your hammer.

where my hammer

Just swing that hammer and hit things until they break. And by pieces, we’re talking smithereens. But one thing is for sure: it’s just you and your hammer in a nice (suburban?) home where you then proceed to smash said suburban home (and absolutely everything in it) to pieces. Does it even need one? Was it destroyed in the development process? We don’t know. I mean, Where is My Hammer doesn’t even have a question mark in the title. In fact, are there even levels? If there were, I didn’t notice them. Where Is My Hammer: Destroy Everything! is a game from a few years back (circa 2014) and has a pretty self explanatory title if you hadn’t noticed.

Where my hammer